€247 (Normal Price €410)

All rights reserved. All the material in this course is protected by Swiss and International laws. To reproduce or integrate any of these Bartu-NSR techniques and exercises in a course or training or any educational context requires the written permission of the author, Sebastian Bartu C.O.

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Reprogramming Your Posture

Learn simple, easy and highly effective exercises which allow you to rewire your brain to introduce new patterns of relaxation in the most tense muscles in your body allowing you to naturally and sustainably correct your posture and remove tensions from your neck and shoulders

What you'll get:

  • Position your bones and organs in their natural alignment
  • Reduce the friction and abnormal wear and tear on joint surfaces
  • Increase the health and function of your bones, ligaments, muscles and organs
  • Decrease stress on the neck, shoulder, spinal ligaments and digestive organs
  • Radiate confidence, stability and ease in all social situations

What People Are Saying:

After doing the Bartu-NSR Reprogramming The Posture Protocol I was able to sing again for the first time in years. It was the first time I tried a method which did not hurt me. It's fantastic, I can do something which helps me. So it’s a big great solution for me and I am very grateful

Anja Carstensen-Coach