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Reprogramming Your Posture & Alignment

Do you wish you had better posture?


Do you feel pain or tension in your neck, shoulders of spine at the end of the day? 


When you see photos of your self are you sometimes surprised that your posture is not looking ideal? 


Have you tried exercise programs or even seen health specialists about improving your posture but are still suffering from pains and discomfort?

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What If You Could Permanently Transform Your Posture - And In Turn Your Body


And Experience Less Pain And Tension?

Imagine reprogramming your posture allowing you to


  • Position your bones and organs in their natural alignment
  • Reduce the friction and abnormal wear and tear on joint surfaces
  • Increase the health and function of your bones, ligaments, muscles and organs
  • Decrease stress on the spinal ligaments and digestive organs
  • Radiate confidence, stability and ease in all social situations

Research shows that : 

  • A forward head posture increases the weight of your neck, spine and digestive organs by 10 pounds. 


  • A spine that is stressed and misaligned can create chronic back pain, hip pain and decreased core strength and vitality. 


  • Poor posture will add unnecessary compression on your digestive organs and your respiratory system - which will not only increase your chances of suffering from digestive and respiratory issues but limit the amount of blood flow in your entire body reducing you overall potential for health, wellbeing and auto regulation.


  • 93% of all communication if nonverbal, and 50-70% of communication is body language. The first thing people acknowledge (consciously and unconsciously) when they see or meet you is your posture. 


  • The extent to which your posture is healthy, relaxed and aligned, says a lot about your personality and influences the way people perceive you and interact with you. The better healthy posture you have the more people tend to trust you, the more relaxed and open they feel when they talk to you.


By reprogramming your posture you improve your health as well as the quality and the authenticity of your communication - in both your personal and professional relationships.

Discover the Bartu-NSR Reprogramming the Posture Protocol.

Sebastian Bartu C.O., Swiss osteopath and founder of the Bartu-NSR Method,


has spent 15 years in clinical practice helping people to resolve complex chronic pain problems by reprogramming their brain and  nervous systems.

For over 10 years he has been teaching his own created system that enables people to resolve their pain and take back their lives, on their own - without doctors, drugs or surgery.

From his extensive clinical experience he discovered that many people had the wrong approach to correcting their posture. 


The mistakes which many health professionals do are: 


-over focusing on correcting the position of the head and shoulders and not realising that the body’s posture is regulated by the ribs, lungs and digestive organs.    


-forgetting that the human body is 80% liquid and only 20% bone and that if we want to create sustainable changes in the body we need to address the liquids system in the body, since it’s 80% of what we are made up of. 


- trying to correct the posture by strengthening certain specific muscle patterns which are fundamentally very unnatural and even creating extra unhealthy tension on the spine and organs

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So how is the Bartu-NSR Reprogramming The Posture Protocol®

different from other posture corrections programs?



Most posture technics teach you to:


  • mechanically strengthen the correct posture muscles
  • try pull the shoulders back and contract your core muscles 
  • actively pull your chin inwards


Not only are these movements unnatural but they often create more tension in the neck, spine and limit the function of the digestive and respiratory organs.


The 3 Secret Steps

to creating fast, sustainable, positive changes in the body’s posture is to: 


  1. Identify what are your “permanent unconscious muscle contractions” which are holding you in your “bad” posture
  2. Practice specific exercises to reprogram your brain and nervous system to stop sending these signals of contraction and instead send new healthy signals of relaxation to specific muscles. 
  3. Once you are able to relax the most important muscles responsible for good posture, you can start a 21 day program to rewire the nervous system to activate the more natural and beneficial muscle patterns which optimise our posture, as well release pressure from our spine, neck and organs.  
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What Students Say About This Course

Anja-Christina Carstensen

Business Coach – Germany

"After doing the Bartu-NSR Reprogramming The Posture Protocol I was able to sing again for the first time in years" 

It was the first time I tried a method which did not hurt me. It's fantastic, I can do something which helps me. So it’s a big great solution for me and I am very grateful.

Ajit Rao

Computer Programmer

"I felt like I could stand straight for the first time in my life"


The days after the protocol I felt my digestion improved and the tension in my shoulder disappeared.

I'm super thankful towards Sebastian for what he has created.

When you enroll you'll discover that..


The Bartu-NSR Reprogramming The Posture Protocol Is Super Easy To Learn And Extremely Effective Because ...


This protocol combines Sebastian’s 10 + years of working with chronic pain patients with the knowledge of 

  • The healing science of Osteopathy 
  •  Latest research in Neuro-Fascia Tissue Health and Strength 
  • Traditional Yoga
  • Evolutionary and functional medicine 
  • Behavioural Psychology


In just 5 mins of exercise a day


You’ll be able to transform the way you stand, sit and walk

and we guarantee that once you enroll in this course, each person you meet will notice the great improvement in your posture and presence.

You’ll feel more energy and strength in your spine, neck and shoulders and all that stored tension in your upper body and shoulders will be released with this new natural alignment.

Working at the computer will feel easier and lighter and you won’t have that heavy tension in your neck and shoulders at the end of the day

And since science has proven that it’s easier to experience positive emotions of self worth and self confidence when we have a better posture, not only will you look better but you’ll actually feel better, more comfortable, secure and relaxed in social situations. 

In your personal and professional relationships you’ll notice that people will naturally be inspired to trust you more, take more advice from you and simply be more themselves around you. 

And once you notice all these positive changes in your body and in the way people interact with you it will be super easy and natural to maintain your new beautiful, relaxed body posture even in challenging situations.

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Discover What People Say About The Bartu-NSR Method 


"You create an immense positive change in the nervous system in a very short amount of time.

It’s a very simple and efficient method. These Bartu-NSR exercises are actually really easy to do."

Hugo Abecassis

Osteopath & Yoga Teacher – Portugal


"I felt a huge release in my stomach and my neck.

Even the way I can move my neck now is amazing! 

After the exercises I felt all the tension in my body was gone and my body was regenerated."  

Gabrielle Dagenais

Personal Trainer – Canada

When you enroll you will get...


  • The complete Bartu-NSR Reprogramming The Posture Protocol Course carefully teaching you every step of the way to sustainably reprogram your posture  allowing you to radiate more inner confidence, calmness and trustworthiness
  • High quality transformational video training with Sebastian Bartu: Osteopath & Yoga Teacher from Switzerland with 15 years of clinical experience enabling people to resolve their pain - without doctors, drugs or surgery


  • Understand how the brain can be reprogrammed to change the biggest pressure regulator mechanisms in the body which directly affect the positioning of your bones, organs and ultimately your posture


  • The knowledge and biohacks to avoid the mistakes which most people are doing when trying to correct their posture and remove tension and pain from their necks and shoulders. 


  •  Simple, easy and highly effective daily exercises which allow you to rewire your brain to introduce new patterns of relaxation in the most tense muscles in your body allowing you to naturally and sustainably correct your posture and remove tensions from your neck and shoulders


  • Full lifetime access to all high quality instructional videos material


  • All course videos are available on multiple devices (extending to tablets & smartphones, desktops and laptops) making it easy to continue the learning process even during travel or busy days


  • The support of a vibrant international community of passionate students


  • A caring experienced customer support team dedicated to help you during the entire certification process


  • Receive a digital certification, for an extra $60, to recognise your completion

Pricing Options

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40% Discount For Limited Time Only

  • Full lifetime access to all high quality instructional videos

  • Direct access to ask all your questions to Bartu-NSR Method Support Team
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Join The Bartu-NSR Reprogramming The Posture Course + Digital Certification of Completion



40% Discount For Limited Time Only

  • Full lifetime access to all high quality instructional videos

  • Direct access to ask all your questions to Bartu-NSR Method Support Team
  • Digital certification to recognise your completion
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