Maybe You Are Curious to ...
learn a unique, powerful & effective work out method which
you can teach your clients and patients, to transform their health to make them stronger, healthier and pain free
combines the science of Osteopathy, Yoga, Martial Arts and Psychology to optimise performance, remove pains and tension in the fascia system, and boost the immune & hormonal system

Have you considered how transformational becoming certified can be for you, your clients and your business?
Now that there is an excess of online Yoga Classes, the demand for a new, effective, scientifically proven full body workout method is skyrocketing!
As a Bartu-IHB Instructor® you can
- teach private and/or group classes online, outdoors, or anywhere you choose.
With the IHB-Instructor Online Certification® it’s easier than ever to get your licence and start transforming lives from your home, on your own terms!
Maybe you are a ...
Yoga/Pilates Teacher, a Physiotherapist or a Personal Trainer and you are successful in your work
but ...

You feel slightly frustrated...
because you wish you had some new effective tools to fully help some of your students and patients overcome an injury, a chronic pain or a health limitation.

You are slightly bored...
of always teaching the same exercises with your clients...
and are eager to integrate simple and effective osteopathic inspired techniques to reprogram the nervous system to remove neurological patterns of pain in the body.

You are excited to learn...
and teach your clients new, neuro fascia boosting exercises which creates the biggest production of happy & healthy hormones as well as activate the full potential of the Immune system.

Maybe you’re ready to take a life changing online certification training which will...
give you unique Neuro Somatic Reprogramming® tools, techniques to create immediate & sustainable health results for yourself and your clients
make you stand out as a teacher, and make your students fall (even more) in love with your classes
If any of the above sounds like you then you’re going to love every step of the online
Bartu Immune & Hormone Boosting Instructor Certification®

We are so excited you are here...
because we are looking for experienced & passionate teachers to join our international team of Bartu-IHB Instructors®

Ever wanted to teach safe and effective “total body transformation” exercises to your clients?
Imagine how good you would feel getting these types of health transformational results with your clients...

Dr. Svitlana Ramer
International Lecturer - United States
"After doing the Bartu exercises my sciatica pain went away."
Sebastian has created a series of exercises which are grounded in science and have been tested over time and they give constant results.

John Seyfert
X-Pro Basketball player - United States
"I had 2 bulging disks in my neck..."
I had numbness and burning pains all the way from my neck to my finger tips 24/7.
I started following the Bartu-Method Protocols and it immediately started getting better till the point I am today where I have zero pain. The Bartu-IHB exercises are easy to learn and they truly work. And it’s amazing - no more doctors needed!
Sebastian Bartu C.O.
Founder of the Bartu - Neuro Somatic Reprogramming® Method
creator of the Bartu- Immune & Hormone Boosting Training®
is a swiss osteopath & yoga teacher
with a degree in clinical psychology who has been teaching his unique pain release protocols (including his Bartu - IHB Training) and certifying health professionals for over 10 years in more then 25 countries all over the world.
From training professional football players from the Colombia National World Cup team in 2014 to world class acrobats in the renowned circus "Cirque Du Soleil" in Canada, to top CEO's Sebastian has helped top performers recover from injury, boost their health and take their mental and physical performance to the higher level possible.
But this was all thanks to his personal pain & suffering...
In 2012 Sebastian was forced to stop working as a international travelling Osteopath because he had over worked himself and was suffering from chronic neurological pains in his arms, (frozen shoulder), and had several severe injuries to his right knee (ripped meniscus).
After several months of intensely researching the bio mechanics
and anatomy of the body, the hormonal system and immune system and combining self-experimentation with his extensive years experience working as a chronic pain specialised Osteopath and Yoga Teacher (as well as advanced Martial Art practitioner) he discovered some unique biohacks technics which allowed him remove all the pain from his body, heal his ripped meniscus and become 100% fit and strong again without needing any medication, supplements nor gym workout machines.
He immediately went back to treating his chronic pain patients and started testing all his new exercises on them.
He was amazed to discover that he had created biohacks protocols that anyone - regardless of their condition, age or current fitness level - can use to transform their body, reduce their pain and boost their hormonal and immune system.
The Bartu-Immune & Hormonal Boosting Training® combines all of Sebastian’s biohack discoveries into one powerful, easy to learn online program: allowing you to activate your natural evolutionary muscle strength, your natural pain release mechanisms and become the highest version of yourself.

Transform the shape and health of your client's body with the Bartu Immune & Hormone Boosting (Bartu- IHB) Training
The Bartu- IHB Training is an easy to learn & teach
series of exercises which combines
- the healing science of Osteopathy & Neuro-Fascia Strength & Traditional Yoga
- the time tested Japanese science of Okinawa Karate - self empowering techniques from the world’s longest living and healthiest culture.
In just 5-15 mins training a day
these unique exercises reprogram and boost your vital hormonal glands, your largest lymph glands and your biggest muscular structures
create powerful physiological changes which activate your natural evolutionary muscle strength, increasing your mobility, your energy levels and longevity.
These exercises realign and strengthen the neuro-fascia system allowing you to
- remove years of joint pain & inflammation - including shoulder, neck, elbow, hip, knee, ankle and foot pains
- Recover faster from injury or surgery
- Prevent having future joint pains, aches or inflammation
Because cutting edge body performance science
has proven that long hard workouts contribute to inflammation, damage your joints and cardiovascular system (and even make you age faster)
the Bartu-IHB Exercises are not heavy workouts which make you feel exhausted, drained and sore.
Instead, this very intelligent and effective workout program
allows you to achieve a massive health & fitness transformation with the minimum of time and effort.

Discover what our students say about the Bartu-IHB Training Program

Marco Pampeo
International Lecturer & Yoga Teacher from Germany
"I had a problem with my right knee.."
with my right meniscus. Since I started doing the Bartu-IHB Training my knees problems improved a lot.
It’s pretty powerful to have this contrast and to work with these exercise system which only take 5-10 mins.

Kerstin Wildner
Osteopath from Germany
"Before taking this course I had strong pains in my left foot.."
since I have a bunion (hallux valgus). After doing the exercises which I learnt on the first day of the course the pain was completely gone.
I used to wake up every night at 2m because of the intense foot pains and now I don’t have that night pain anymore. I’m truly impressed with the Batru-IHB Training Program.

Jaaziel Magalhaes
Nurse working in Capo Verde
"I had a chronic knee problem and had an knee operation..."
I started doing the Bartu-IHB Training Program and I felt that the inflammation in my knee reduced alot.
Today I have a lot more confidence in my knee and I’m feeling a lot better. I am very grateful to Sebastian.
You will learn to ..
Activate Your Natural Evolutionary Muscle Power & Stamina.
Through ingenious exercises which respect the oldest evolutionary hands and feet position allowing you to biohack your neuro-fascia system to:
1. Rapidly Elevate Your Strength, Flexibility & Endurance.
Improve your performance in any form of physical activity or sport and gain mental clarity and focus to optimize your work-flow productivity.
2. Transform Your Physique.
Accelerate weight loss and boost muscle definition to bring you back to your natural ideal body shape and power.
3. Increase Your Energy - Learn Powerful Biohacks To Condition Your Body To Produce Daily Healthy & Happy Hormones.
Replace laziness and sleepiness with natural evolutionary hormonal power and energy to maximize your productivity make the most of every day.
4. Boost Your Immune System & Lymphatic Glands.
Craft a resilient and healthy body by learning secret scientific hacks to increase the function of your most vital lymphatic glands which filter harmful substances like bacteria, viruses and cancer cells from your body, and help fight off infections.
5. Increase Your Mobility & Reduce Your Pain.
Combining the science of Osteopathy, Yoga & Martials Arts - these new revolutionary exercises allow you to strengthen your joints, improve your flexibility and remove years of aches, pains and inflammation.
6. Slow Down Your Aging Process
Stimulate natural cellular rejuvenation which optimizes your metabolism, eliminates the classic symptoms of aging and illness, and makes you look and feel younger and stronger.

Discover the Bartu-Immune & Hormone Boosting Instructor Certification®
Program Curriculum
The Bartu-Immune & Hormone Boosting Training@ (Bartu-IHB Training) program is an unique, easy to learn process which teaches you to hack your hormonal system, fascial system and your immune system to enhance your overall health, strengthen your core muscle system and reduce pain and inflammation from all you major joints.
Today Sebastian offers you the opportunity to learn online how to teach all these remarkable exercises and become a Certified Bartu-Immune & Hormone Boosting Certified Instructor® (from the comfort of your home)

Sebastian has put his 15 years of clinical experience as a Osteopath & Yoga Teacher into this training to create an online education course which is packed with highly valuable information, revolutionary exercises and scientifically backed research and bio hacks…
- To truly transform your knowledge & skills as a teacher
- And allow you to create life changing results with your clients
We know you are going to LOVE our fun and easy to understand mind blowing bio hacks strategies which you and your clients have never heard of before.
Yet as soon as your clients experience these bio hacks you’ll notice an immediate profound change in their muscles, fascia, ligaments, organs and even nervous system. Within a few minutes of doing the Bartu-IHB training your client will feel incredible, totally energized thanks to the rush of powerful, healthy, happy hormones running through your entire body.
The transformations which you will offer your clients includes long lasting pain release in areas of the body which were always painful and limited.
Because these exercises balance out the distribution of pressure in the biggest muscles, fascia, and organs in the body and create a natural realignment and rewiring of the neuro-fascia networks - which reduces the buildup of lactic acid in the body making your pain receptors less sensitive to pain and discomfort.
By the end of this training you’ll be equipped with the skills, understanding and pedagogical tools to teach this effective, simple and safe training method to all types of people: regardless of their fitness level, their health, their level of pain or their age.

Module 1 - Learning the Core Bartu-IHB Principals, Bio Hacks & Exercises
Module 2 - Tap Into Your Full Evolutionary Muscle & Metabolic Power
Module 3 - Pumping The Lymph & Hormonal Glands
Module 4 - 3D Spiral Neuro Fascia Strengthening
Valuable Bonus Included When You Join Today
Bonus # 1
Lung Empowerment - Neuro Stress Management Tool
A powerful unique Bartu Biohacking the breath technique which you can do anywhere to
- navigate more calming & confidently through these unsteady times
- increase your oxygen levels and reduce your neurological stress.
This technique will give you the following health benefits:
• Eliminate toxins & free radicals from your body & detoxify your blood
• Reduce tissue swelling & prevent lactic acid build up
• Improve quality of sleep & reduces anxiety

Bonus # 2
A Video Of Sebastian’s Full Seminar Presenting The Science Behind Activating Your Full Hormonal And Immune Power Through Intelligent Natural Evolutionary Muscle Training
Discover why the biggest lymphatic glands are strategically situated exactly where they are and which precise daily exercises allows you to activate them to
- Highly strengthen the immune system & increase the production of white blood cells
- Metabolize fat and carbohydrates - helps with weight management
- Enhance wound healing (stimulate new capillaries into injuries and inflamed tissues)
- Create more energy, motivation, concentration, brain power and focus

Discover What People Say About This Program

"You create an immense positive change in the nervous system in a very short amount of time.
It’s a very simple and efficient method. These Bartu-NSR exercises are actually really easy to do."
Hugo Abecassis
Osteopath & Yoga Teacher – Portugal

"I felt a huge release in my stomach and my neck.
Even the way I can move my neck now is amazing!
After the exercises I felt all the tension in my body was gone and my body was regenerated."
Gabrielle Dagenais
Personal Trainer – Canada

"If you’re feeling some kind of blockage in your body then this course is for you..
it’s gets in there right away. It’s very efficient."
Alyson Manta
Dance instructor for Cirque du Soleil for 20 years – Canada

"I’ve had no more pains in my knees or shoulders since I starting a month ago...
and I haven’t done the exercises very frequently either, just a few times a week. It’s very effective..I wasn't having much process with these issues until I started the Bart-NSR Method, so I’d highly recommend it.
Asya Milazzo
Massage Therapist - United States
Click "Join The Program" To Start
Your Health & Fitness Transformation

When you enroll you will get...
- Full lifetime access to all instructional videos material
- 80 high quality instructional videos carefully teaching you every step of the way to become a Certified Instructor
- Direct access to ask all your questions to the Swiss Osteopath & Founder of this method: Sebastian Bartu C.O.
- All course videos are available on multiple devices (extending to tablets & smartphones, desktops and laptops) making it easy to continue the learning process even during travel or busy days
- The support of a vibrant international community of Bartu-NSR Instructors & Students
- A caring experienced customer support team dedicated to help you during the entire certification process
Pricing Options

Join The Bartu Immune & Hormone Boosting Instructor Certification®
30% Discount For Limited Time Only (Save €419))
Join The TrainingHealth Transformational Stories From Our Students

Pauline Lheureux
Massage Therapist – France
"I had a Sciatica pain and I could feel straight away after doing the protocol that the pain went away. The pinching from my lower back to my leg completely disappeared.
Thank you so much!"

Manfred Suppan
International Yoga Instructor – Austria
"The Bartu-NSR method is a powerful simple technique to decompress your spine, relax and release muscle tension around the spine, release pain, and actually get rid of any injuries in a quick and fast way. The technique is easy and accessible to everyone and you can feel the benefits on yourself immediately."

Anja-Christina Carstensen
Business Coach – Germany
"I was looking for many years for a solution in conservative therapy but couldn't find anything that helped me. These Bartu-NSR protocols are fantastic - it was the first time I tried a method which did not hurt me. I can do something which helps me. So it’s a big great solution for me and I am very grateful."
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there necessary requirements or prerequisites to becoming a Bartu-IHB Instructor?
Will I need to buy any equipment or materials to complete this training certification?
Is the method for everyone?
What level of fitness & strength is needed to follow this exercises program and become a certified instructor?
Can I offer the Bartu-IHB training to clients that have a hormonal imbalance or an autoimmune illness?
What happens after I complete the Bartu-IHB Instructor Certification?
What is the Bartu-IHB® Instructor license? And how long is this license valid for?
What is the Bartu Instructors Community-BIC™?
How long is my initial BIC™ Membership valid for?
Pricing Options

Join The Bartu Immune & Hormone Boosting Instructor Certification®
30% Discount For Limited Time Only (Save €419))
Join The Training